"7Tuner 1.6x" is designed for Power Macintosh using System 7.1.2 or System 7.5, and for 680x0 Macintosh with System 7.5 or System 7.1.4. "7Tuner 1.6x" also requires at least 256 colors or grays. If you are using a PowerBook that is capable of connecting external color monitors, please refer to "Troubleshooting" file to set up your monitor.
****** About 7Tuner 1.6x ******
Thanks to all beta testers' help, we finally solve the mysterious Finder menu problem!
One time installation does it all! "7Tuner 1.6x" tunes your Macintosh System 7's Finder and System and makes your Mac's operations easier. Since "7Tuner 1.6x" is an application, once you have fine tuned your Finder and System, there is no conflict with other control panels and extensions, and you do not have to worry about memory problem.
"7Tuner 1.6x" is the latest update version of "7Tuner 1.5/1.5p," we fixed the tuned Finder menu problems that have been found on some models, and now 7Tuner is compatible with all Mac models (we do not have Performas to test 7Tuner, you may try it at your own risk, but we are not responsible for your testing).
****** Features ******
1. Add all possible command-key equivalents to the Finder menu (19 of them).
2. Make an alias that has the same name as the original file, so you can put the original file and the alias at the same place without the name conflict.
3. Add colors to the standard system alert icons.
4. Speed up mouse moving speed.
5. Enable Keyboard Menu in the Finder menu (form previous freeware "KBMenu enabler).
6. Change all folders to colorful 3-D folders (total of 76 folders & icons).
7. You can choose individual options for all enhancements.
****** Caution ******
Apple recommends not to edit all system-related files directly, and we are following it completely. That is why we ask you to make copies of Finder and System files before using 7Tuner.
****** Warning ******
If you follow the installation steps, using 7Tuner is 100% safe. We, Dragonsoft and authors, are not responsible for any damage to your files due to user's carelessness.
Please read the "Agreement of Using 7Tuner" carefully before using the program. You can find the agreement text in the folder and under the program's Apple menu.
****** Installation ******
The first time you launch "7Tuner 1.6x," an agreement of using 7Tuner will appear on your screen. If you agree the terms, you can now start using 7Tuner. If you do not agree the terms, 7Tuner will quit itself, and please then destroy your copy of 7Tuner.
Please turn off virus detection extensions and virtual memory (includes RAM Doubler) before using 7Tuner. You may also have to turn off some other extensions, such as Central Point's MacTools' CP Scheduler. After the successful restart, you can use all extensions as usual.
1. Make copies of "Finder" and "System" files from your "System Folder."
You can do this in two ways:
A. Select "Duplicate" from Finder's File menu or press Command + D.
B. If the file "Finder" or "System" is locked, Option-drag the file to desktop.
2. Rename "Finder Copy" to "Finder" and "System Copy" to "System" if necessary, then drag both copies into "7Tuner 1.6x Folder."
3. Make sure "7Tuner 1.6x," the copies of "Finder" and "System" are in the SAME FOLDER.
They must be in the folder. Please DO NOT TUNE or UNTUNE your System and Finder
files on your DESKTOP!!!!!
4. Launch "7Tuner 1.6x" by double-clicking it.
5. Select "Open" from 7Tuner's File menu.
6. Select options you want to tune by clicking the correspondent buttons and check boxes.
7. Click "Tune" radio button.
8. If everything goes well, a dialog will appear and tell you the process is successful.
9. Quit 7Tuner 1.6x and move the original "Finder" and "System" files from the "System Folder" to Trash (do not empty the trash at this moment).
10. Move the tuned copies of "Finder" and "System" from "7Tuner 1.6x Folder" to your "System Folder."
11. Restart your Mac (the Desktop will appear a little bit slower the first time, and it is normal).
12. If the Finder is operating normally, empty the trash or copy the original files to your backup device. If something goes wrong, drag the tuned Finder and System files to the desktop, and drag the original System and Finder files from the Trash to your System Folder and restart. Please refer to "Troubleshooting" file for the instructions.
### If you have tuned the Speedy Mouse option, please remember to change your mouse tracking speed to the fastest to take effect (it will faster than the standard "fastest"!)
Follow the same steps as Tuning except clicking "Untune."
==== After each tuning or untuning process, you can keep doing other tuning or untuning process until you quit "7Tuner 1.6x." ====
### If you untune any option under the Finder's Special menu, the whole Special menu will change back to System 7's default setting.
****** Shareware notice ******
Although Dragonsoft distributes 7Tuner 1.6x as shareware, all the tuning options are enabled because WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!! After your registration, we will send you the registration code to eliminate the shareware notice and the Shareware menu.
You can find more information in the Shareware menu.
For registered owners of "7Tuner 1.5/1.5p," you can upgrade to version 1.6/1.6x free of charge. Please contact us so we can issue you a new registration code.
If you decide to keep using 7Tuner 1.6x and support Mac shareware, please send $15 to Dragonsoft to register your copy of 7Tuner 1.6x. Please send your payment to:
Dragonsoft (please make check payable to Chin-Chwun)
603 E. Minor Dr. #101
Kansas City, MO 64131
Thanks again for your support of Mac shareware, and start enjoying the convenience 7Tuner gives you!
****** Credit ******
The idea of Silver3D Folders and its design are the creation and property of Harry Phillipo, Eugene, Oregon and are used with permission. However, Mr. Harry Phillipo is not responsible for any damage that due to users' carelessness by using 7Tuner 1.6x. For more information on Silver3D Folders, please contact Mr. Harry Phillipo at the following:
America Online - "Toymaster"
Apple Link - "M7103"
CompuServe- "74731,723"
eWorld- "HPhillipo"
FidoNet "1:152/42"
****** Technical Support and Suggestions ******
We have been told by so many 7Tuner 1.5 users that they are very satisfied with our technical support of 7Tuner 1.5, and we are keeping doing it to answer all of your questions. If you like to talk to us, the best time to call us is 4PM-10PM on Tuesday and Thursday, 10AM-10PM on rest days of the week. For e-mail, we will reply as soon as possible. We can be reached by the following:
1. TEL: (816) 943-1835 (Please leave messages if no one answers).